A4School is a service based on Telegram specifically developed to increase self-awareness and self-protection in front of flooding risk in schools all over the the Municipality of Genoa city. It has been tested in a full-scale exercise in May 2018 and it is currently available for all schools in the area.
A4Schools standarizes and improves the communication protocols between schools and emergency managers, but is also able to provide customized information to the parents about the impact of the weather conditions on the schools by suggesting them the safer behaviour to protect thier children and themselves.
Pilot Site: Liguria
Case study: A4Schools (ANYWHERE for Schools)
Status: Under operational demonstration since July 2018
Developer and implementor: Fondazione CIMA and CDG (Comune di Genova)
End-users: Schools (head teachers, teachers), civil society (parents) and the Municipality of Genoa city

A4School is a service based on Telegram specifically developed to increase self-awareness and self-protection in front of flooding risk in schools all over the the Municipality of Genoa city. It has been tested in a full-scale exercise in May 2018 and it is currently available for all schools in the area.
A4Schools standarizes and improves the communication protocols between schools and emergency managers, but is also able to provide customized information to the parents about the impact of the weather conditions on the schools by suggesting them the safer behaviour to protect thier children and themselves.
Pilot Site: Liguria
Case study: A4Schools (ANYWHERE for Schools)
Status: Under operational demonstration since July 2018
Developer and implementor: Fondazione CIMA and CDG (Comune di Genova)
End-users: Schools (head teachers, teachers), civil society (parents) and the Municipality of Genoa city

It is provided customized information about which are the schools affected by the event, the protocol followed by the schools to protect the children and that the children are safely cared by the school’s people or safe roads in the affected area depending on the observed situation.
It is provided customized information about which are the schools affected by the event, the protocol followed by the schools to protect the children and that the children are safely cared by the school’s people or safe roads in the affected area depending on the observed situation.

Main functionalities:
The service use flash-flood indicators served operationally by the ANYWHERE Multi-Hazard Early Warning System (MH-EWS).
After providing to the Civil Protection operators a map of possible flooded areas in the next 30 minutes/1 hour if the schools are open and the students are inside, the procedure using the developed service is activated.

Main functionalities:
The service use flash-flood indicators served operationally by the ANYWHERE Multi-Hazard Early Warning System (MH-EWS).
After providing to the Civil Protection operators a map of possible flooded areas in the next 30 minutes/1 hour if the schools are open and the students are inside, the procedure using the developed service is activated.