Who we are
The Consortium is composed by 34 organisations belonging to 12 European countries including all the relevant fields in the value chain linked to the weather-induced emergency management: 12 operational emergency management authorities covering different scopes (national, regional and local), 13 research, development and innovation organizations (former project coordinators) developing impact forecasting products and 9 Small and Medium Enterprises and Industries.
Who we are
The Consortium is composed by 34 organisations belonging to 12 European countries including all the relevant fields in the value chain linked to the weather-induced emergency management: 12 operational emergency management authorities covering different scopes (national, regional and local), 13 research, development and innovation organizations (former project coordinators) developing impact forecasting products and 9 Small and Medium Enterprises and Industries.
Direction Départementale des Services d’Incendie et de Secours de Haute Corse (SDIS2B)Crahi2019-06-18T19:38:10+02:00
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya – Centre de Recerca Aplicada en Hidrometeorologia (UPC-CRAHI)Crahi2019-09-17T13:01:58+02:00
Scuola Superiore di Studi Universitari e di Perfezionamento Sant’Anna (SSSA)Crahi2019-06-18T19:37:38+02:00
CNRS-Laboratoire d’Étude des Transferts en Hydrologie et Environnement (CNRS-LTHE)Crahi2019-06-18T19:45:13+02:00